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Personal Health

Your health has a huge effect on your life obviously. If your body and brain aren't doing well, then you won't be able to function as well. So taking care of your health is a crucial ingredient for navigating life.


Personal health can take on a lot of different forms. Your overall physiological function is the base system that everything else builds on. It's important to do regular check-ups with a medical professional. This isn't as easy in some places like the U.S., where free health care is not an option. But there are some organizations out there that can help you find medical help for free, like the National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics (NAFC)


There are other things you should do on your own as well to improve your health. Mainly, eating well, drinking lots of water, and getting regular exercise.


Fruits and vegetables will provide you with lots of essential nutrients, as well as regulate your digestive system. Having a healthy digestive system (including healthy gut bacteria) and regular bowel movements is very important, it gets rid of unnecessary and harmful waste in your body. It's also a very easy way to reduce the risks of many painful conditions such as some cancers and heart disease. 


It is recommended that half of your plate be fruits and vegetables at each meal. There are probiotic supplements that can help regulate your gut bacteria as well.


Whole grains provide lots of nutrients as well as lots of fiber (another important factor for healthy digestive systems). Whole grains will also help your body maintain steady blood sugar levels, providing you with consistent energy throughout the day as opposed to short bursts. The short energy bursts are quickly followed by a crash that leaves you groggy all day. Whole grains should help avoid that. It is recommended that 1/4 of your plate be filled with whole grains.


Protein is a component that makes up a lot of parts of your body such as: hair, bones, muscle, skin, and other body parts and tissues. Getting in a healthy amount of protein will provide your body with strength and energy. It's recommended that 1/4 of your plate be protein.


Healthy fats give your body energy and promote cell function. They also keep your body warm and protect your organs. Not every fat is healthy, avoid saturated fats (such as those in fried foods and chips) and try using unsaturated fats (such as avocados, eggs, and nuts).


In addition to eating well, make sure to drink plenty of water. On average, our bodies are made up of 55% - 60% water. We lose some of that throughout the day, so drinking water regularly will help replenish that lost amount, and keep everything moving smoothly.


Getting the precise amounts of recommended servings is not easy and can be annoying. Don't let that discourage you though. Instead, try to incorporate a little of each category into your meals, or just do whatever you can in general!

Eating Well 


Eating well is a bit of a subjective term, lots of people define "well" differently. But an overall consensus is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats; as well as limiting refined sugars (basically regular sugars used in drinks or baked goods).

Exercise is a great way to keep your body healthy. It keeps your organs and muscles working more efficiently. It has also been proven to help with mental health disorders, flooding your body with positive endorphins and strengthening the hippocampus of your brain (the part that regulates mood). Exercise can be incredibly difficult to get into. It can be hard, it can be vulnerable working out around others, and it can be discouraging. It can easily provide lots of obstacles to keep you from doing it. 


The way to beat these challenges is a) to find a kind of exercise you like, and b) just do it. Easier said than done for sure, but once you find your breakthrough, it will be worth it. Your body will start to learn, adapt, and grow from the exercise you provide it. It will keep you feeling strong and comfortable in your own body.


When looking for an exercise you like, experiment. Try a bunch of workouts and identify what you liked about each thing. Make up your own workout using moves from other workouts. Find someone that will keep you accountable. If you're at home or can't join a gym, look for youtube videos or go for walks.


Be creative! Just make sure to keep your body moving.




  • Make sure to eat well by incorporating lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats. These will help your body function better and provide you with energy throughout the day.

  • Get plenty of fiber to help healthy gut bacteria and prevent many painful conditions. Probiotics can help with this as well.

  • Regular exercise will keep your body strong and healthy, as well as provide you more energy and reduce risks of many diseases.


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